Podere La Rossa holiday farm

Teaching Programme

The project of our educational farm for this school year is called «We all FALL DOWN!»
The laboratories are the following:
- A FINGER IN THE PIE «From seed to Bread»
- THE SOIL TO TABLE «The discovery of clay»
- THE LOVE OF NATURE «I see, I touch, I smell»
- GROW UP IN THE VEGETABLE GARDEN «I come into being, I grow, I gather»
The educational activity takes place from 9:30 am to 1 pm and 2:30 to 3:30 pm. School groups will follow, alternating, four laboratories divided into groups; they can choose among the propositions above and it must be communicated a few days before starting the didactic programme. In case of bad weather, the laboratories can be subject to slight variations; their conduct will be in any case preserved.
At 1:15 pm the meal is dished up in the farm. In the case of certified allergies/intolerances, special menus will be prepared.
At 2:30 pm the educational activity will start again involving the group in the final recapitulatory game; then we will distribute the handmade items and each class attendance certificates.
At 3:30 pm the day at La Rossa holiday farm ends with «Bread and Jam, the old-fashioned way»; at 4 pm, we will say goodbye to the schoolchildren.
La Rossa staff is at your beck and call for explanations and deepening.

Prices: 15 euros per head; assistance, lunch and snack included. Teachers and guides are free of charge. With packed lunch (provided by the school) the price is 10 euros per head.
Download the PDF format of the programme

The farm

The farm keeps entire Priarone family busy, from vineyard cultivation to grape transformation into wine, from poultry breeding to food service, in addition to the option of overnight stays. It is a very quiet place tucked away in the countryside where to spend a pleasant day: the amphitheatre-garden in front of the farm, built on the foundations of an old monastery, makes it particularly suitable for families with children. Enrico, who was awarded a degree in natural sciences, together with his brother, Franco, leads families and school groups to discover nature and countryside traditional values. The vegetable garden, the orchard, the greenhouse and the henhouse provide fresh products for homemade cooking. Among main dishes, guests can enjoy handmade ravioli and naturally fed guinea-hen.

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Podere La Rossa holiday farm

  • Cascina La Rossa, 39
  • 15010 Morsasco Alessandria - Piedmont - Italy
  • 44.651375, 8.562984
  • +39 0144 73104
  • info@quellidellarossa.it
  • display the structure
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